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Fortune 500 companies have tapped into global talent for decades

Remote work expands the talent pool of quality candidates

Simera uses technology to make remote hiring fast, easy and cost-effective


Outline Skills, Experience, and Role Requirements



Our Technology Matches You with Ideal Candidates



Access a curated shortlist of candidate to interview


Welcome and Onboard Your New Team Member


Global Talent and Remote Hiring can be Easy

These are the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that we often answer:

How does cost compare?

Hiring near-shore from Central America (our most frequent candidate base) offers savings of 60-65% versus an equivalent hire in the US.

Will this add complexity?

Our database is intuitive, you review videos, skillsets, resumes and portfolios in our easy-to-use portal, and payment is one monthly invoice covering salary plus our Simera fee - we handle all details.

We have our own interview and hiring guidelines - can we use these?

Simera simplifies the sourcing and the interviewing of candidates - including administering any assessments or example tasks that your company typically includes in hiring.

How are payments and invoices handled?

Candidate reviews, shortlists and interviews are all free.  Once you select your team member, we invoice you for Day 1, and handle all payments to the candidate, locally. When you onboard a team member, you will receive a monthly invoice that includes the pay to the worker and a monthly fee to Simera. This fee covers payment processsing, benefits administration, admin servicess and more.

What if I need to find a replacement?

Our thorough vetting, interviews, and assessments ensure candidates are a good fit. However, if an exception occurs, we will create a new shortlist of candidates, so you can interview for a new person. We will replace the candidate at no additional cost and pause fees during the transition. We strive to minimize risk on your end as much as possible.

What are some common roles?
Simera has candidates for any role that can be performed remotely, including sales, marketing, support, administration, HR, accounting, data entry, IT, project management, product management, and web / mobile development.
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And get advantage of Simera's platform